Monday, September 01, 2008


This weekend we were supposed to go to Gigi and Grandpa's house, but we won't get into that because if you are reading this blog, chances are good that you actually are Gigi or Grandpa, so you already know how that turned out. Anyway, we changed plans and the boys spent some of the long weekend with Ma and Pa. On Sunday they went to an American Indian festival and I don't know much of what happened except that they ate somethig blue that made them poop Grover-colored and they also got these headresses:

Cute, huh? Patrick looks like he took a few too many puffs on the peace pipe while he was there...

Anyway, while they were off saying "how" and hopefully learning some effective rain dances, I was busy completely destroying my house. On purpose, no less! Luke and I decided it was time to re-paint the downstairs and hallway (I'm not going to get into our reasons, but we had them and they were good), so we skipped off to get some paint and came home and proceeded to uglify the house in ways I had not thought possible. What is it with paint, for crying out loud? How does soft warm yellow turn into something that can only bring to mind a giant can of CORN smeared all over the walls??? I kept repeating the phrase from the IKEA commercial, "Be brave, not beige." And this is what I get for listening to the Scandinavian folk. Now I have corn walls. And I didn't get much sleep last night because of them. You know, if I am very very bad in this lifetime and I end up going to hell, I am pretty sure I know what's in store for me down there. I will be faced with an eternity of potty-training toddlers and picking out paint colors. Yeah...I think I'll go to confession tomorrow.

Okay, but back to the paint--it's not the end of the world. I just paint it again. It's what I do. I paint, cry and then re-paint, and I usually get it right the second time. So today I went and got a quart of a more conservative yellow and got to work on my test wall (yes, I realize I should have done this to begin with, shut up please) and I am liking it much better. I'm still not sure it's exactly what I am looking for, so I will wait until morning when I can see it with some natural light and then decide whether it's good enough or if I want to try one more shade. I'll do a little each night so by the end of the week the corn should be nothing but a horrible memory and then we'll never speak of this again.

Today we went to Ma and Pa's house to join the kids in swimming one last time this summer. It wasn't great swimming weather (thanks Gustav), but it was a relaxing day and we had a great meal, topped off by an insanely good homemade peach pie that I whipped up at 5:30 this morning in the corn kitchen. Everyone liked it and that made me happy because I was reminded that, even if I am a complete loser at picking out paint colors, there are still some things that I can do really well.