Thursday, February 23, 2006

Save the Couch Foundation

Here is our newest purchase, bought in an effort to preserve our couch. Patrick spends so much time each day jumping on various pieces of furniture that to tell him to stop every time he did it would be like telling him to to stop breathing every time he took a breath. There are various people out there who are to blame for this, and I am not one of them. I won't name names, but you know who you are.
So at Mandy's recommendation, we bought the trampoline (Patrick-speak: "temperature"). It was a good purchase. He knows where to get his jumping fix now. If he forgets, I remind him loudly. Mandy also says it's a good way to get exercise, just bounce while you watch TV. I may try this in the future...right now I'm too tired to get exercise.
Speaking of Mandy (two posts in a row now), you should really check out her blog. She has no bratty kids and therefore has a life instead and can subsequently think of other interesting things to write about on her blog.
I'm having a great day, can't you tell?