Sunday, September 16, 2007

Where did the weekend go?

Well, we had quite busy weekend around here...Luke's schedule fell so his 2 days off coincided with ours, which happens once every three weeks, but I feel like I hardly saw him at all. He and Patrick and Pa went to the air show all day yesterday, and even though I sent the camera with him, he came home without a single presentable picture for the blog. Took pictures of airplanes instead. ??? Just what I always felt was missing from our family photo albums. Well, if you want to see pictures from last year's air show, which was the same thing only colder, look here. Otherwise, I gots nothing.

So Ben and I spent our morning with Ma at a "crack" show (otherwise known as a craft show), helping her with her booth. She makes awesome quilts from T-shirts and picks up a lot of business this time of year by showing what she's got at fall festivals and the likes. I always enjoy walking around and seeing what kind of crappy jewelry and artwork people are trying to sell. I did pick up some yummy pepper jelly and a mix for lime cilantro dip, so I'm looking forward to chowing down on that. Here's Ben gettin' down with his typical festival fare: hot dog and a bag of chips.

Last night Luke and I went to Brian and Jenny's to eat and watch some football game with a bunch of people from their church. We had a great time...but no pix, because I'm not whipping out my camera for strangers like some kind of freak. Again, Luke and I didn't really cross paths the whole night because the girls tired rather quickly of that whole "football" thing and went downstairs to tear up a Reese Witherspoon flick.

And today I had to was our Annual Fund Drive kickoff party, the one time of year where I get to rub elbows with the hoi polloi. Good food, incredible know the drill. And yet it's now 10:00 and I still need to catch up with my hubby.

One more thing I mentioned before, last weekend we went to an outdoor concert downtown and some of Patrick's buddies were there. Well, I saw Wyatt's mom at the party today and she brought me these (and a few more) adorable pics of the kids. Be still my heart...they're so darn cute!

Let me just say that it's become part of our daily routine to remind Patrick to remain close buddies with Wyatt. How often do you get a great kid with a great set of parents??? We know them from church and Luke's old job, plus Wyatt's mom and I had our babies at the exact same time--all boys. Cha-ching! We know we hit the jackpot, and it's our main focus to cultivate this friendship to its maximum potential. Wyatt's little bro Henry was absent last weekend, but we will sic Ben on him as soon as possible. We'd like for them to enter Pre-K in a few years with Ben having cornered the market on Henry's friendship. ;)

Have a great week everyone!