Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Preschool Days

Just now getting around to this, but last week was Patrick's last day of preschool. And I admit it, I cried. I have been very excited about him coming to "big kid" school with me next year, but I hadn't really considered that these days are over. Once we start school back up, there'll be no more short days, no more sleeping until we feel like it and going in late--school's going to be serious business next year! And I have no doubts whatsoever about putting him in full-time Pre-K because my school is the BEST, but it's hard to deal on those days that are designed to show you that your little preschooler is growing up. I'm really going to try to savor my time with the boys this summer--try being the key word there--because once August rolls around, things are going to change a lot, for the first time since Patrick was born four and a half years ago.

So anyways, his end-of-year party was fun for both my boys. They provided a lot of fun stuff for the kiddies, and even Patrick was bummed when he realized we were leaving and never coming back. He's since gotten over it, but it was still bittersweet. It's been a really good preschool for Patrick and I'm glad he got his time there.