Monday, June 04, 2007

So the trip to the beach was really great! There's not much to say...we played, we got tans, we rode bikes and swam...yadda yadda was really fun. Here are a few of my favorite pics:

When the tide went out, it left massive tide pools that got really warm and were great for the kids to play in. So they spent most of their time in there, greatly reducing my worry time about sharks and stingrays...which we did see both of, so you can never be too careful, right?

Speaking of being careful, the latest threat on the beach is middle-aged men riding bikes, apparently. Patrick got mowed down by one on Tuesday. I didn't see it actually happen, just looked up from the big hole I was digging when I heard all the screaming...and saw Patrick lying on the ground with a bike on top of him. It was really scary--I was imagining broken ribs and punctured lungs--but he turned out just a little scraped up on his back. You can barely see the scar. And he got a bruise on his knee. And a phobia about bikes. But who's counting?

No really, he was fine, and he learned to look both ways before crossing the beach, which is always a good thing to know. But the rest of the time was really fun and now I'm glad to be home. I just gotta figure out what I'm doing for the rest of the summer...