Friday, June 08, 2007

This and That

A couple weeks ago, I took the boys to have their picture taken together. I got to see the proofs today and I was pretty pleased. Of course, as I pointed out, who is ever disappointed with pictures of their own adorable tots? Photographing kiddies is a surefire way to make money, I think. Anyway, I ordered some larger pictures from the proofs, but I thought these two were cute--but not cute enough for a big copy, so I just bought the proofs.

And to everyone who told me I just had to let Patrick see Cars (yes, I'm talking to you, you and you), thank you so much for my pleasant evening tonight. Lest we forget, this is the child who got scared when I took him to see Curious George, can't make it past the first scene in Finding Nemo and is terrified of Spongebob, for crying out loud!

So Patrick crashed in his bedroom this afternoon, and since that meant he'd be up late anyway, we went down to the old Kroger kiosk and rented it for a buck...and boy am I glad I only spent a buck, because Patrick didn't even make it to Radiator Springs before he was burying his head in my lap and howling in fear. And I'm not exaggerating. He cried for Daddy, he kicked, he screamed, he chewed on his blanket...and when Lightning McQueen had his over-the-top 20-minute wreck, that was the last straw for my sensitive little viewer. He eagerly volunteered to go to bed, rather than stay downstairs with me and watch this horrifying tale. So I finished watching it myself, and it wasn't that great. I only laughed out loud once, and now I don't even remember what the joke was. Of course, what did I expect? It's a movie about Nascar. How entertaining could it possibly be?