Saturday, January 24, 2009

Tagged again--The Bucket List

UGH. I, like Jennifer, cannot resist. So here's another one. But I bet if you look back a year or so, it's already on my blog...

Subject: The Bucket List--Something Different
Hit forward and place an (x) by all the things you've done and remove
the (x) from the ones you have not. No need to explain...remember--no one really cares.

(x) Been to Europe
( ) Been on a cruise
( ) Gone on a blind date
(x) Skipped school
( ) Watched someone die
( ) Been to Canada
( ) Been to Mexico
(x) Been to Florida
(x) Been on a plane
(x) Been lost
(x) Been on the opposite side of the country
(x) Gone to Washington , DC
(x) Swam in the ocean
(x) Cried yourself to sleep
(x) Played cops and robbers
( ) Recently colored with crayons
( ) Sang Karaoke
(x) Made prank phone calls
(x) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
(x) Caught a snowflake on your tongue
(x) Danced in the rain
( ) Written a letter to Santa Claus
( ) Been kissed under the mistletoe
(x) Watched the sunrise alone
(x) Blown bubbles
(x) Gone ice skating
(x) Gone roller skating
(x) Gone to the movies
(x) Own your Favorite Car

1. Any nickname? Becks, Bexter
2. Mother's name? Gloria
3. Favorite drink? water
4. Body Piercing? ears
5. How much do you love your Car? when I bought it, it was my favorite notsomuch
6. Birthplace? Hartford CT
7. Been to Hawaii? no
8. Ever been to Africa? No
9. Ever eaten just cookies for dinner? undoubtedly...probably of the girl scout variety
10. Ever been on TV? yes
11. Ever steal any traffic sign? no
12. Ever been in a car accident? yes
13. Drive a 2-door or 4-door vehicle? 4-door
14. ?Why is this question missing?
15. Favorite number? 9 or 11
16. Favorite movie? see a few posts below
17. Favorite holiday? 4th of July
18. Favorite dessert? chocolate cake
19. Favorite food? all foods
20. Favorite day of the week? who cares
21. Favorite brand of body wash? who cares
22. Toothpaste? who cares
23. Favorite smell? puppy breath
24. How do you relax? Facebook
25. How do you see yourself in 10 years? hopefully not much different than today
26. Furthest Place you will send this message? perhaps someone on the opposite side of the world will read this post.
27. Who will respond to this the fastest? uh, I'll put the pressure on SANDI