Saturday, July 28, 2007

The Better Pictures

So a few weeks back I posted some proofs that I had bought from a photo session, and I mentioned that the really cute ones were yet to come. After that I got a few earfuls about how I was crazy if I didn't think those two were cute, but whatever. I finally got them and here are the two that I deemed the best...and since I birthed the subjects, only my opinion counts anyway.

Gigi and Grandpa, you'll be getting a 5 x 7 of the one above the next time I see you. :) I love the one below.

So, a little bit about me. As you can see, I got my hair cut, or chopped for that matter. I like it alright, Luke will not admit it, but he doesn't like it. Guys like long hair. I think it's an inate characteristic left over from the caveman days when dudes could just grab a chick by her weave and haul her around. Anyway, I needed a major change--usually around this time of year, the heat gets to me and I have to get rid of ninety or so pounds of hair. So I'm glad of it for that, but I know I won't keep it. It's just a welcome change and now I'll grow it back out again...and my hair grows really fast. I've had similar cuts a few times'll only be a matter of months before I have quite a long ponytail that Luke can grab at when he's not busy discovering fire. Okay, I meant that in the caveman sense, but I just realized how true it actually is. Maybe Luke's new pet name will be "Caveman". Yeah. We'll see if it sticks.

Kisses to all of you from me and me new hair!