Monday, July 02, 2007

Family Portrait

Yesterday the kiddies and I went to Jim's house for a cook-out and to see Scott and Jennifer and their crew, who are in town for a couple of weeks. This was the one and only time (for a least a year or so) that all of Grandma's great-grandchildren were in the same place with her, so naturally we had to take a picture...and naturally, one of my children had to make it difficult...

I'm not exactly sure what Ben's problem was, but as soon as he saw all the cameras, he started high-tailing it down the driveway and was not happy to be caught and brought back. Session #1 (on the steps) did not go so well. Then somebody had to the good idea to give him candy and all was right in the world again. Except for the fact that it was 900 degrees outside and as we stood taking these pictures, we all started melting into little puddles in the pine straw.

Back row: Ashlyn holding Skylar, Haley, Grandma
Front row: Ben, Mary Kate, Owen and Patrick

Yes, this is really the best we could do. Jennifer and Brian and Pam were also snapping pictures, so maybe they got a better one. I'm just happy you can see everyone's face. Anyway, I'm glad we took the picture. Grandma and seven beautiful great-grandkids--she's a lucky lady!