Monday, May 29, 2006

Memorial Day

Today was a good day. Patrick was coming home from his camping trip with "Ma and Pa". Luke and I finished up a lot of the home improvement projects that we had started recently, and also began a few new ones. When dinner time rolled around, we had our neighbors over for hot dogs and burgers and then went back to their house to swim. Here's Patrick with their daughter Riley. They also have a newborn baby boy named Turner, who is six weeks old today.

After we put the boys to bed, I went outside to water the plants since it has not rained in a loooong time (nothing but beautiful, HOT weather lately). Everything was quiet and warm, and I had that clean feeling that you get when you're fresh out of the pool. Then the fireflies came out and I just thought "Life is good." Thanks to all those men and women who have made sacrifices, both big and small, so I can go to bed feeling peaceful tonight.
Happy Memorial Day.