Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Just in time for the 2008 Summer Games, we've got a new sport. I had seen this before (on Webjunk 20, I believe), but had dismissed it as sheer idiocy. But wait, it seems that sheer idiocy is actually in vogue and Nascar is no longer the stupidest "sport" out there. Nope, now there's SPEED STACKING!!!!! Go here to check it out and make sure you have your volume turned waayyyyyy up to get the full effect.

Okay, have you checked it out? Good. Now we'll chat. First off, did you notice the empty stadium seats? Yes? Okay then. Did you also notice there was merchandise to be bought? Well, that's actually what brings me to this post. This morning while Patrick was watching Tom and Jerry (current favorite), a commercial came on for this "sport"...kind of advertising the sport and kind of advertising the cups. And at the end, they mentioned the retail stores where you could spend your hard-earned money on them (for shame, Target). And I thought "They're selling.....cups? Plastic ones? Seriously....CUPS?"

And indeed they are, folks. For more money than you'd probably want to spend on a good steak dinner, you can instead go out to Target (SHAME!) and buy what you already have in your cabinets and a carrying case!!!!! And the fun doesn't stop there, oh no! You can bring them home and make pyramids out of the like a complete los--ahem!--like a one-year-old! And then you can pretend you're an athlete, just like all the Nascar drivers do.

And the best thing is, after all this, nobody will care. Have fun!