Sunday, October 22, 2006

The Air Show

Sorry it's been so long--I had nothing to say for a while and then Blogger went wiggy the past couple days, so anyway...

Anyway, Luke's parents (Ma and Pa--christened by Patrick--none of us asked to sound like the Clampets) took Patrick to the air show on Saturday morning. Obviously he had a blast. Ma put these pics on a disk for me. Don't you just love technology? I am trying to imagine what it would have taken five years ago to show pictures off of her camera to all of my friends and relatives. Anyway, you can see he had a ball climbing around in the cool airplanes and helicopters...and tractors of course.

He also got to talk to A FIREMAN--who I am estimating to be five or six years older than Patrick--they're hiring 'em young these days! I jest...I appreciate the nice young man letting Patrick wear his hat and giving him a sticker that says "We're Best Friends". How cute. It totally made Patrick's day. When I was looking at the pictures I asked Patrick what his name was and he said "the fireman." Duh!

How cute is that face? Yes, I mean Patrick's...