Friday, October 27, 2006

Elbow Room

I have to show off my latest purchase--a new kitchen table! We have been eating off a little round pedestal table for like, years now. It was great when Luke and I first got married and it was just the two of us, but now that we're a family of four, we were feeling a little cramped at mealtime. So I bought my beautiful new Pottery Barn table off of eBay and I'm soooooooo delighted with it! And now Luke's grandma is the proud owner of our old round table, which is perfect for her since she has a small aprtment and you can drop a leaf and it fits snugly against the wall. Everybody wins! So I know this is not the most entertaining of posts, but get over it. I love my table and I wanted to show it off. Oh yeah, also in the picture are those two pesky boys who won't go away...