Thursday, October 05, 2006

Rip Van Patrick

I am at a loss for what to do about Patrick's naps lately. He is not tired until about 2 or 2:30 and then he is TIRED. Of course, after a 2-3 hour nap, he is well-rested and pumped for a long evening with mommy and daddy. I have tried to let him skip the nap, but this is a child who has never stayed up a full day in his life. He simply cannot do it. He just ends up falling asleep later, then napping longer and as a result, staying up later at night. And no, that doesn't cause him to sleep later than 7 a.m. the next morning, so don't ask. The only thing I can think of is to wrestle him to sleep at one-ish and then wake him up in an hour, but c'mon, get serious...what mom wakes her three-year-old from a sound sleep? Not this one!!! Anyway, at one o'clock it will take him a full hour to get to sleep. Any ideas?

Here's my grand plan to let him play through naptime backfiring today. This is how I f0und him at ten till three. He does have underwear on, and as much as I would love to let my friends and loved ones see how cute Patrick is with Spidey blazoned across his butt, I felt a little wierd displaying said butt on a public forum where any random pedophile could ogle it. Hence the sunburst. This is also a good time to point out the spectacular carpet that my boss Stephanie recycled from her growing kiddies to Patrick. He loves going zoom zoom with his cars all over it. And as you can see, it makes a great bed, too. Thanks Steph!