Sunday, March 11, 2007

Ben , Ben and more Ben...

Gorgeous weather lately, huh? Patrick was with his Ma and Pa today, but the rest of us headed outside to do a bit of yard work that hadn't been done yet. Ben was cute as can be, exploring everything he could get his hands on...even the dogs seemed to be different outside. I wish we could all experience our minor daily happenings with the innocence and exuberance of a toddler...

Uh, remember when I said that Ben was--and I quote--"days from walking"? Well, I'd like to eat those words now--hold the salt--with a side of ranch dressing, please. I feel like a complete nimrod for ever letting those words leave my mouth. All I'm going to say is, please note the gaping holes in the knees of his jeans--and remember, these are the good pair. The only good thing about those holes is that they give me permission to toss the jeans in the garbage when I'm done with them. As opposed to all the other baby clothes I own, which are carefully stored away in an effort to trick fate until my childbearing years are over. Because we all know the fastest way to get pregnant is to get rid of all your stuff.