Friday, March 23, 2007

Flashback: A Dog Grows Up

From bundle of yellow fur...

To bundle of complete neurosis...

Yesterday I sat on the patio watching Savannah and wondering how it had all come to this. She spent much of the afternoon licking the cement and fighting with her shadow, stopping only to wrinkle her forehead in puzzlement when it disappeared. When she caught sight of the light reflected on the side of the house by my camera lens, it was all over. She canceled all other appointments in order to spend the rest of the afternoon with her nose pressed to the siding, waiting with unabashed anticipation for something, anything to happen. Honestly, she used to be so cute and sweet. I don't know at what point exactly that she lost her marbles, but I think it was around the time when we used to torture her by shooting laser pointers all over the house for cheap entertainment. My apologies, girl.