Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Post from the Clearance Bin

We went for a walk around the lake last night, which is always an adventure of some sort. Patrick was feeling hammy, it seems. He started out by doing his best wind-up doll impersonation. All he needed was yellow braided pigtails, a dainty frock and two red circles on each cheek and he'd be shelf-ready.

The lake trail is about mile long, give or take a half-mile (that is, I have no idea how long it is, except I know it's too long for a four-year-old, but we're mean parents and we don't care). He always starts out walking, but last night he needed to "take a rest" realllly soon. Don't ask me what's up with the face...he's not my kid. He looks like an old man who's coon dog just let one rip.

Speaking of smells, this was one of the best shots I could get in front of this Bradford Pear. The poor kid pleaded with me: "Mommy let's go, it smells like pee-pee." Well, yes it fact, it smells like something a lot worse, but let's not go there. Just smile so I can take the picture.

A good son smiles through his suffering.