Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Christmas with the Fam

We made the short trek back down to my parents' house this past Sunday to have early Christmas with them and David and Sandi. My mom will be in CT on Christmas Day and David and Sandi are going to OH as usual. We had a delicious lunch, courtesy of mom and Sandi, and let our food digest while the kids slept. Then we had a delicious dessert (courtesy of me) and got to the good stuff--PRESENTS!

Patrick waited patiently next to the tree, although he did make us tell him which ones were his so he could inspect the package. He was super-psyched to get two new pairs of jammies (one with MONSTER TRUCKS on them), and so was I--he really needed them!

Ben's still getting the hang of opening gifts. Like all babies, he had a great time playing with wrapping and boxes, but he perked up when we opened one for him and showed him what it was...a basketball goal just like the one he loves in Gigi and Grandpa's playroom.

Here's each of the kids enjoying a new possession...Matthew with a Thomas the Tank Engine book, Patrick with some sort of construction mechanism (I don't know what, you have to ask him) that he is so obsessed with he wants to take it to bed with him every night, and Ben with the best gift of all, a cardboard box.

As always, it was great to see my family. Even though we'll be spread out this Christmas, I'm glad we had this day to celebrate the season together. Merry Christmas guys!