Monday, December 04, 2006

O Tanenbaum

We put up our Christmas tree fairly early this year, which I do NOT feel guilty about because it's such a hassle that you have to make it worth the effort. This is the first year we've had a fake tree...we made the decision to switch after last year's gifts were covered in sap and bugs. So Luke's mom got this one at a discount after Christmas last year and gave it to us. I must admit, for someone who has been a Live Tree Purist her whole life, I am pleased with the results. For the first time in our relationship, Luke and I did not scream at each other while putting the tree in the stand, I did not have to string lights on it (woohoooo!), and watering it has been a cinch. Plus the branches are strong enough to hold our heavy ornaments, and evenly dispersed--no gaps! Yep, I'm officially converted...

Patrick and Ben "helping" me decorate the tree (actually, Patrick didn't do too badly as long as I kept shouting "Spread them out!!!!!" )...and the finished product!

The other day the kids were playing in front of the tree and it was so cute to see them laughing and playing together...a Christmas miracle!