Friday, December 15, 2006

I'm ready for sainthood.

You have to perform three miracles to become a saint, and I'm obviously ready since I've done three in a week. First, I made Ben and Patrick get along for 15 whole minutes by allowing them to destroy my throw pillows together, then I cured Patrick's throw-ups in less than 24 hours (I'm not sure how I did that one, but I'll still take the credit), and thirdly, I successfully got Patrick to sing (and sing happily) at his preschool Christmas program. All it took was a little bribe in the form of Barnes & Noble, his favorite "book fair" ever. He was very serious about acheiving this goal, because apparently he told all the other kids as well that there was to be no crying, no crying at all!

Well, regardless of how he got there, he sang very sweetly and did all the right hand motions (except during the part when they were supposed to be quiet so the soloist could sing, he illustrated this fact by putting his finger over his lips when no one else was doing was cute at the time, but in the picture it just looks like he's picking his nose). Mommy was so proud and he was so proud of himself too, for not crying, and then he found the coolest lift-the-flap truck book at B & N, so all was well in the end.