Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Patrick, Patrick and more Patrick

Boys Will Be Boys

Today the boys teamed up to give me more gray hairs, and when I mean boys, for once I don't mean Patrick and Ben, but actually Patrick and Wilson. Patrick was playing outside when he brought to the door the lovliest of gifts for Mommy dearest, namely: a live baby lizard. This would not be so bad if he hadn't been holding it by the head, which for some reason really grossed me out, so I yelled at him to PUT IT DOWN. He did, and then promptly smashed it with his shoe. That really grossed me out, so I started making loud sick noises, which Patrick took as a cue to kick around the mutilated lizard, causing it's tail to detach and squirm on the pavement, and that was the point where Wilson decided to join the fun and began to eat the twitching tail. Do I need to say any more?

The Importance of Being Persistent
Patrick has has a thing about Super K-Mart for about a year and a half now. I don't even remember how it started, all I know is that for the past eighteen months, whenever we passed Super K-Mart (which is every day), he would start begging for the "purple book". He was VERY CONSISTENT about this. Not a day has gone by where we haven't heard about the purple book at K-Mart. We've even looked for it on the rare occasion that we enter this store. I have never been able to figure out what the "purple book" was. Until yesterday. We went to K-Mart to look for dog food with high fat content for our anorexic dog (by the way, this dog food doesn't exist. I should have realized that after I couldn't find it at Walmart. If it's not at Walmart, it doesn't exist) and on a whim strolled through the book aisle. Lo and behold...there, amongst rays of light from heaven and amidst the choruses of angels, sat the "purple book". Patrick just about freaked, as did we, since we had obviously found the equivalent of Atlantis, or the Fountain of Youth, or the Lost City of Gold. Since it came shrink-wrapped with two other books for the bargain basement price of $2.49, we snapped it up, not caring how much it resembles all of the other truck books that Patrick owns, or that it really would have been more appropriate for him say...eighteen months ago. No, all that matters is that we have located the purple book and now he can hold it in his hot little paws all day long should he choose to. Ladies and gents, I present to you...The Purple Book!

Quiet Rule Lives!
I may have made an important discovery regarding Quiet Rule. Apparently, there is a boy at Patrick's preschool named Wyatt Carroll. Do I have to point out how similar these two names sound? I am thinking that Patrick has a little friend on the playground whose name is a little hard for him to pronouce, but that's okay, because it sounds a lot like something he hears probably eighty times a day and can pronounce perfectly, so we'll just call him that instead! And if this is the case, I'm going to hunt down Wyatt/Quiet's mom and tell her to put some pants on her kid because it's freakin' freezing outside and all my kids wants to do is imitate your kid and that means I have to have fights with him three times a day about wearing shorts and sandals outside. Other than that, he seems like a great kid.