Saturday, April 07, 2007

Egg Hunt 2: Bigger, Better, Colder

Who goes Easter egg hunting like this? I don't know who's crazier, us or Mother Nature. I honestly believe if Jesus had walked out of his tomb all freshly resurrected and the weather was like this, he would have gone right back in and waited for a thaw...or at least gathered his shrouds to bundle up in...

Still, though...Gigi and Sandi put on one heck of an egg hunt. I am not sure we even got them all. Patrick gathered lots and lots of eggs and was especially thrilled to find one with a car in it. Ben found about four eggs with Grandpa's help, but as soon as he discovered what was inside of them, he opted to stop hunting and start munching.

I love this picture of Matthew, taking pause by the good old Blessed Virgin Mary!

This is one for the ages, I think. I've already got it as my wallpaper. It's not too often that we can get the three grandsons together, and even less often that we get a decent picture of all of them. Here we could at least distract them with candy for five seconds! I love it's such a sweet picture, and it will always remind us of Easter 2007--the year the South froze over!

Happy Easter everyone!