Sunday, April 01, 2007

Hell, thy name is Alabama Hwy. 68

Yesterday Ben and I drove over to Lake Guntersville, AL to see Luke and Patrick, who have been camping with Luke's parents for the past few days. I was not really looking forward to the drive so much, but now that I have made the trek twice in one day, I can safely say that I'd rather have another child--without an epidural--than drive it again. First of all, Luke told me that it was an hour and a half trip...which is probably true if there's been a nuclear fallout and there are no people or pesky traffic signals and stop signs to slow you down. Also, he failed to tell me that it was a two-lane road FOR THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF THE TRIP. I don't do well with two-lane roads. I prefer the good old Eisenhower interstate system, which people driving tractors tend to avoid, and where you can leave those people with their trunks dragging the ground and decals of Our Lady of Guadeloupe on their back windshield in a fine trail of asphalt dust. I tell you, I don't know where people from Alabama all learn to drive, but I know they all go to the same place, and I know that they are probably instructed by some half-wit cross-eyed circus monkey. Yes, that sounds about right...the final driving test definitely includes primal screeching and throwing poop at each other. And if you're from Alabama and you're reading this...I'm sorry, but it turns out you suck at driving too.

Anyway, a little over two hours later when even Ben was attempting to stuff his blanket down his throat in an effort to end it all right there, I seriously considered turning around and going home, just so at least I would not have to drive the last twenty minutes twice in one day. But I did want to see Patrick, so I grudgingly pressed on. As it turns out, we had a very nice day, although after making the harrowing trip home, I'm still too weary to go into detail about all the fun. We did all the normal outdoorsy camping stuff. Here are the pictures...see for yourself and enjoy.