Thursday, April 26, 2007

We *Heart* Firefighters

Lately in this house it's been all firefighters, all the time. But hey, that's cool--whatever keeps my boys happy, right? Here's Patrick decked out in his get-up, ready for action. Go ahead, try to get yourself into an emergency situation...he'll get you out of it faster than you can say "Turnout Gear by Carters Childrenswear"!

Today Luke had to get his picture taken for the department directory, so I hauled the kids over to the fire station to get a few shots with him. You never know how they'll turn out with three boys looking in all different directions and me having to yell "Look at the camera!!" at all three of them, but hopefully we got one good shot and I'll scan it in when they come back. For one of the pictures, Luke had to put on his jacket and helmet and then they smudged soot on his face and sprayed him with some sort of fake perspiration. That was the hotness right there!!! I will definitely post that one, and then Tom will see what all the hype's about!! ;)

After the pictures, Luke walked the boys around the bay and showed Patrick all the different trucks. Ben happily tagged along and got his hands on anything he could. I love this picture below, with Ben driving as Patrick shouts orders. They make a good team...
