Sunday, April 29, 2007


We got tickets to Friday night's ball game as a surprise for Luke, who has been working hard in rookie school. I must say, Patrick is getting to be quite a celebrity over there. He was on the big screen two times AGAIN and spent some quality time with his celebrity BFF, Romey the mascot. But we all know that with fame comes embarrassing pictures, and my little guy was not spared, no sir!
Patrick has warmed to the idea of being a catcher on a baseball team. Scratch that. He is totally obsessed with the catcher and spends all the time he is not being The Firefighter in a rousing game of being The Catcher. We all know about his dress-up standards--that they are low to nonexistent--so you should completely understand that wearing his hat backwards with his glove perched on top constitutes being the catcher.

So we had to endure half the game with him looking like this while the cameras loved on him, until it finally got so embarrassing that I was forced to get stern. He was bummed for a while, but as you know--with all the free swag, celebrities never stay sad for long. He scored a free large pizza during the "Scream for the Pizza" section of the game, and then the visiting pitcher rolled a ball over the dugout for him. We had a little conversation that went like this:

Patrick(with glee): Who gave me this ball?

Me: I think it was the pitcher.

P: The catcher?

M: No, the pitcher.

P: You mean the catcher?

M: No, I mean the pitcher.

P: I think it was the catcher!

So it was awesome all in all. We won, his favorite player (besides the catcher) hit a home run, and after the game, we went up to the press box to visit Uncle Jim, who was announcing the game for his radio station. I think Jim was going to put Patrick on the air, but for some reason, Patrick was not cool with that at all...hence the face. But he did get over it in time to give Jim some sage advice: "Watch out for porcupines." As sensible as this little tidbit is, I really wish he would have given us some other kind of warning, like how as soon as we got home, he was going to go all Exorcist on us and spew vomit into all four corners of his room. I'm just saying, THAT would've been a good heads-up. That's all I'm saying.