Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Mighty Beast

If there's one thing Luke has wanted since we moved into his house, it's a riding mower. Poor guy, I empathize with him--because I know it must be hard to cover all that yard with a push mower and have to push it up and down our steep hill--but have you seen the price of those things??? Sorry honey! Not gonna happen!
But last week he got the opportunity to store someone else's mower for a friend of the family that will come pick it up sometime in the summer. He was psyched because that meant he could use it for a few months. I was glad, too...however, I had to laugh when he came home toting this giant piece of machinery circa 1938:

Whatever, it got the job done in half the time (and trimmed back the remains of my daffodils...not on purpose) and Patrick was ecstatic with our new temporary acquisition. But I did tell Luke that he wasn't really going to look right on that thing until it had a white basket with plastic yellow Gerber daisies attached to the handlebars. Time to start scouring eBay, I guess...