Friday, January 26, 2007

Flashback: In my mind I'm going to NYC

Being stuck in my cold house for months on end brings two things to mind--warmer weather and getting the heck out of dodge! Which brings me to the topic of this week's flashback--a trip that Mandy and I took over spring break of our senior year in college. We packed our bags and headed off to "be a part of it--New York, New York!" As I perused my files, I came across this picture of us chowing down on some good old hotdog stand fare with our pal Casey in Central Park. Man, can you tell we were enjoying those weiners?

Yep, that was quite a good lunch, and we had a few interesting things happen while we were eating. First off, a man approached us asking for money. He was planning to spring Charles Manson from the slammer, and I guess he didn't have enough to post bail. Mandy, not sounding at all like her southern genteel self, told him where to take his money and shove it! We all have a little New Yorker in us, I guess. Then an Asian man with a large camera strolled by and snapped our picture, convincing us to this day that we are being featured on the cover of a brochure for NYC in some travel agency in Japan. Hey, it could happen! Then after a little more time laying in the sun watching the crazies walk by, we got up, stretched our legs and headed down to check out FAO Schwartz, at which time Mandy asked a truly existential question: "Is there really a Central Park?"

Haha! Sorry Mandy, you know I had to put it...I'll leave it to you to explain what you meant!