Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Get your smile on...

...with V-Smile learning system! Okay Katie, this one's for you...Patrick got this V-Smile for Christmas and he LOVES. IT. TO. DEATH. He asks to play with it every day, and will sit and play for an hour by himself, no instruction needed. We got him the Bert and Ernie Sesame Street game to go with it, and at first we had to help him figure it out, but now he can work the controls by himself, and the content is hard enough that he can still learn something from it. All I've got to say is, if Joe was to love it as much as Fat-pick does, it would be your dream come true, your search for the holy grail would be over. Maybe next time old Pops comes around you can drop a few hints??? I gotta give props to Luke for picking it out, it was totally his idea. Let's just hope it lasts...