Friday, January 19, 2007


Yes, I realize that I've been a little scan-happy lately, but my kids are boring me to tears right now, so get used to it. Today I walked into the spare room to find that Patrick had dumped a huge box of pictures all over the floor and was crying at what he thought was a horribly scary picture of Mommy. I don't know which one it was...he pointed to a few of them and well, there was nothing really scary about the pictures, I guess he just realized that I'm not as pretty as he thought. So as I was cleaning them up, I found this one of my eighth grade confirmation and I had to crack up for three reasons:

1) Unfortunately, I am the bad-looking one on the far left. While I will admit to having unbelievably frizzy and puffy hair with no style or shape whatsoever, I don't get why my face looks as round and as flat as a frying pan. Must be the camera angle, I have always had a fairly-oval shaped face.

2) And who is that girl, second from the right? Oh yes, that's our very own beloved Cup of Joe. Girl, I got a million of these, we might be having a lot of flashbacks in the near future! Mandy, watch out, I've got a big stash of college pics too!

3) Lastly, I want you to check out the dresses. I have no doubt in my mind that each and every one of you had a dress like this sometime around 1990. That's because these were the epitome of style back then, weren't they girls? A few years ago, back when I was a teacher, I had to take the winner of our school spelling bee to the archdiocesan spelling bee in Atlanta (Mandy, you remember, you came with us). It was held at one of the other grade schools and in the front hall they had all the graduation pictures from the past 20 years or whatever. It wasn't my school, but there were lots of pictures of people that ended up at high school with me, so I was showing them to my student and saying who they were. She looked at me and said "Why are you guys all dressed like Little House on the Prairie?"

'Nuff said about the dresses. We shall never speak of this again, okay? But there'll be more out girls!!!