Thursday, February 22, 2007

Bright Sunshiney Day

Today's weather was a breath of fresh air...warm fresh air, that is! Luke was home this afternoon when I got home from work, so we put Ben down to nap and made tracks for the great outdoors. Well, at least as far as the street outside our house. Patrick got a bike-riding lesson, a pick-up game of b-ball and batting practice with Luke; I got a head start on weeding the garden while re-hashing Idol with Katie. After that, we went up to our neighbor's house and Patrick held court with--count 'em--three girls after wooing them with popsicles...such a ladies' man!!!!
I have to say, I love these kind of days. When you wake up in the morning and the air feels cool and fresh and the first thing you think is NOT "When is the heat coming on already????"...that's a good feeling. I am very pleased with the groundhog this year...well done, little buddy!

Play hard, sleep hard.