Saturday, February 24, 2007


Patrick and I went to see Katie and Joe yesterday afternoon. It was fun times as always! The boys played together really nicely, aside from eating a whole tube of toothpaste together while Katie and I lounged blissfully in the sunshine. Don't judge, it was really warm out and we were talking Idol.

They got really into playing doctor for a minute can see Dr. Joe, head of the medical staff, struggling to diagnose what in the world is wrong with Katie. Finally, he brings in a psych consult from Dr. Patrick and the two of them get to work on her right away, taking every test imaginable--while Katie, ever diligent, keeps on taking snapshots for posterity. The final diagnosis--Blogitis. Joe kicks back in the M.D.'s lounge with some animal crackers and a Capri Sun and congratulates himself on a job well done.

Patrick took his reward in a slightly less manly way. He locked in on an old pair of Joe's sandals, which Katie was then forced to give to him to satisfy his obsession, causing him to go completely ballistic with glee. Patrick has a weird thing about sandals--he is like Carrie Bradshaw's long-lost twin. I can't explain it, I only hope he outgrows it. But for now, he's crazy about them, so thanks for Joe's hand-me-downs, Katie--you made Fat-pick's day!!! We had a great time with y'all--see you soon!