Saturday, April 08, 2006

"At the Old Ball Game"

Luke took Patrick to the Rome Braves opening game on Thursday night. I did not go since the game started at 7:00 and Ben's bedtime is 8:00, but I hope to be able to go to a lot of their games this season. In my opinion, these games are much more fun to go to than the Atlanta Braves, just because it's so easy. And it's just the right speed for Patrick. He loves it. He's been talking about going all winter, so this was a BIG night for him...
Here he is with Romey, the Braves mascot, who was named by a school-aged child, in case you couldn't figure that out. Patrick worshiped Romey last year, but he seemed a little hesitant this year, perhaps because he has now realized that Romey has five HUGE french fries surgically attached to his head and looks like Cookie Monster's paranoid cousin. Maybe he is worried that Cookie Monster, who is now on a varied diet, will try to eat his hair at the next family reunion?
Here's baseball great Phil Niekro throwing out the first pitch. A thrill for die-hard fans, I'm sure.
Patrick modeling his new hat for me when he got home. This smile is genuine, folks. I think he went to bed murmuring "Da na na na da na...CHARGE!"
Long live summer.