Wednesday, April 05, 2006

This one's for Shannon...

Feeling much better today, I went outside to enjoy the pretty sunshine. I was standing in my driveway holding Ben (because that is how I enjoy the pretty sunshine, okay?) and I looked up and saw this beautiful picture--the first spring blossoms in our trees! Inspired by Shannon's nature pics, I thought I'd blog this one. It wasn't taken with a Canon Rebel Andre Agassi Super Duper 2000, but I still thought it came out darn well.
I have also been eyeing a little piece that some other bloggers have been doing called "Wordless Wednesday" (in the same mindset as "Friday's Feast"). I am not quite sure what the whole point of it is, but I plan to do more research on the matter, because to my lazy nature a post intentionally without words is pure genius! So even though this post has words, it may well be the birth of my participation in WW...only time will tell...