Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Mega Trucks! Mega Obsession!

At some point in time, you may have picked up on the fact that Patrick is obsessed with trucks. The boy has got so many books about trucks, I seriously doubt you could buy him one that he doesn't already have. The other week, we went to Borders book store for a new truck book, (which he needed like he needs a hole in his head) and it literally took us 10 minutes to find one that he didn't already have. The same goes for truck toys. He has them all. I have often wanted to line up all his trucks and take a picture to put on the blog, but I don't have an entire day to devote to doing this.
Anyway, last week, his teacher sent home one of those Scholastic fliers with the pictures of all the books on them. His school book fair was this week, and the idea was to spend the weekend looking over the flier to preview what would be there. Anyway, Patrick immediately honed in on this "book about trucks" and spent the next four days reminding me every five minutes that we had to go to the "book fairy" and get the truck book. Not only that, he also became surgically attached to the Scholastic flier, which as you remember, had the picture of the truck book on it. He even slept with the flier. Thankfully, we were able to go to the book fair on Monday and pick out a book (as if there was any question of which one he wanted) and all was right with the world again.