Monday, July 03, 2006

Happy Fourth of July!

Fourth of July is my favorite holiday. It's warm (hot!), the activities are casual and free, the food is good and there's no gift-swapping involved. Our celebrations began last Saturday, when the local parks and recreation did the annual fireworks show. Patrick and I went with Rebeckah and her mom Joan.

Here's Patrick and Beck getting sugared up before the show.

Rebeckah's getting Patrick all fired up!

Yay! The fireworks finally start! It was really hard to get a picture of both the kids sitting still and the fireworks exploding. I got one good one with just Patrick in it, but I thought this one was cuter with both him and Beck looking up at the falling sparkles.

More festivities today! We went to a parade this morning and there will be more fireworks after the ball game tonight, so look for more 4th fun!