Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The Lazyshow

I went back down to my parents' house this past weekend, and while we were there my mom and I took Patrick to the Stone Mountain Lasershow, which Patrick called the Lazyshow.

Here's Patrick in front of the big old hunk of granite. It was a lot darker than it looks and I had to turn off the flash to make the mountain show up and for some reason that made it impossible to take a clear that's why this picture is kinda blurry--sorry!

I tried to take pictures of the actual show, but we were too far back on the lawn and I don't think my camera's really capable of this kind of picture anyway. I got this one off their website. I thought the show was pretty good. I hadn't see it in 10 years or more and obviously they updated some of the songs, but they still had all the good old patriotic good stuff, and everyone still whistled and woo-hooed when General Lee smashed his sword during Dixie. Some things never change!