Monday, July 10, 2006

Mom and Dad's House

I went to my parents' house this weekend for some R & R. Well, physically, we stayed pretty busy, but I got some mental rest, because it is so nice to have two other adults to help you take care of your kids at all times!

Here's my dad teaching Ben how to play peek-a-boo. It was a big hit, as you can tell! Ben enjoyed it so much that he learned to cover his own face while my dad said "Where's Ben?"

Patrick having a picnic by the pool. I know his sandwich looks as big as his head and his grapes look like he could gag on them, but it is just a trick of the camera, I promise!

Ben enjoying some park time with his Gigi. We went to the park a few times because there's a railroad track that runs alongside it with trains that run every 30 min. or so. Whenever the gates started to go down, Patrick would yell "DING DING Gigi!!!!!" and drop everything to run across the field to wave to the train.

With all the fun, Ben was so tuckered out every night!