Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Happy Birthday Patrick

Saturday was Patrick's third lieu of a party, we decided to have a fun day instead. We took him up to Chattanooga to see Rock City. Luke's parents and Rebeckah went with us, and we met up with Adam (Luke's brother), since he lives there.
Here's Adam helping Patrick scale the rock wall. Obviously, Patrick wanted to get in a harness and climb to the top, but he did not weigh enough. You have to weigh at least forty pounds for gravity to be able to help you get down, and Patrick is nowhere near that heavy. Rebeckah made the cut, however, and she climbed all the way to the top! I have no doubt that, given the chance, Patrick would've flashed it as well.
Rebeckah and Patrick had a great time playing in the rock formations. It is a great place for kids because there are a lot of places to explore, but very few dangerous spots. However, there are some places, like the Eagles Nest and Lover's Leap, where you have to keep a very close eye on the kiddies. Otherwise, it's like a giant playground.
Ben was such a good boy. Strollers aren't allowed (or even possible), so I strapped him to me in the Snugli and he had a great time looking around. After a while, I switched him so he was facing towards me and he took a snooze on my shoulder. All in all, he stayed happy in there for about three hours, and I got a great workout!!!