Sunday, March 12, 2006

Welcome, Katie!

Well, I got Katie to start her blog, and let me tell you, I've created a monster! After a few hiccups with her template settings, she is a bloggin' fool! Just look at her site...she started yesterday and already she's got like ten posts! Here is what she wrote to me today in a somewhat maniacal e-mail:

"i am on hour 41 of non-stop blogger mania........i fear i will have to seek psychiatric help to come down from what is known in Cyberspace as BLOGGER overdose..........i am tired, very very tired..getting sleepy, eyes heavy..but must blog, must blog.................................................................................blogger don't fail me now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

But seriously, go Katie! We like your stamina. Everybody look at her blog because it's going to be funny and her son Joe is ADORABLE.

In other news, the weather this weekend was downright summery. We spent as much time as possible outside. Here are some pictures of Patrick enjoying the shorts weather: