Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Scootin' About

Ben loves to be put in his walker (don't worry Safety Standard Bureaucrats, we only use it downstairs!) and scoot around the kitchen floor. The only problem is that he's so good at scooting that it takes him mere seconds to get from one side of the kitchen to the other (and we have a big kitchen!)...then he runs into the cabinets or the stove or the fridge or whatever and who has to come turn him around so that he can then fly across the kitchen in the other direction? ME! The whole point of a baby toy is to give Mommy ten minutes to herself (the developmental advancements are just an added bonus), but with this one, I really only get ten seconds at a time before I am needed again.
In a related story, I took him to the doctor for his four-month check-up today. Thankfully, his extreme growth has slowed down a good bit. He only weighs a little over 17 pounds, which is still in the 95th percentile. Altogether, he's healthy as a horse, so you can all sleep well tonight.