Monday, June 19, 2006

The Circus Comes to Town

The Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus came to town this past week. Since we are a smallish town, it was a only a one-ring circus, kind of a "minor league" circus, if you will. But that was good for us. I am not sure Patrick could've handled more excitement than that! As it was, he loved the horses and dogs and elephants, so we didn't really need to see lions and tigers and bears oh my!

Before it started, they did activities for all the kids in the ring. One of them was a little "hokey-pokey"-like dance. We encouraged him to join in, but as you can see from the picture, he wasn't feeling like gettin' his groove on.

The elephants were his favorite. I don't know why they look so far away in this picture. Wierd camera angle I guess, because they looked pretty close and huge in real life! My favorite part was when a trapeze artist missed her mark and got flung into the net at 75 mph, shrieking like a crazy lady. Then the ringmaster had to get the drumroll going and say she was going to attempt this "extremely difficult" manuever again like we were all simple, ignorant fools from the nineteenth century. It's funny how the circus has literally not changed in one hundred years. And I know it sounds cliche, but circus performers really are freaky.