Thursday, June 01, 2006

Happy birthday to you!

How awesome is this? Google, I love thee. Yes people, Mandy turns the big 2-9 today! Mandy, my bestest bud, one of my favorite people despite not having done any of these things: had a part in creating me, married me, or emerged from my body after nine miserable months.
Instead, the connections that Mandy and I share are: one year of living in a cold, rat-infested hell, three years of Early Childhood Education (aka Bulletin Board Building 101), and seven good years of loafing and hashing about celebrities, pet peeves and responsibilites. These two keep me pretty busy these days, but Mandy is still right by my side (via Blogger), keeping me constantly entertained. Well, every three or four days anyway. Yep, she's a good friend...always babysits for me in a pinch, supports and joins me in my addiction to Old Navy, and tolerates my extreme aversion to soup that you hold in your hand.

Happy Birthday Mandy! Hope 29 is the best one yet!