Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Weekend at the Lake

Well, we are back from our little vacation at the lake. It was very good, lots of eating and swimming and eating and hiking and eating and fishing and eating and sunning and eating. I really did eat way more than I should have, but who can resist a good barbeque four nights in a row?

Here are my three boys "in profile":

My handsome hubby enjoying some early-morning fishing. The picture's a little blurry because he was on the dock and I was on the deck and I had to zoom and crop like crazy. I don't know why it looks like he has a goatee--he does NOT have facial hair...

Little Ben spent much of his time down at the dock snoozing in his grandmother's arms!

Patrick loved to stand on the deck and watch the boats go by with his binoculars. Well, that's what he said anyway--I think he was on the lookout for cute 3-year-old girls!

And no, I'm not mad that Shannon was the only one of my blogging gals that bothered to shout out some blog birthday wishes...even though I made special posts for the other two on their birthdays. Thanks Shannon, glad to know you've got my back! I do appreciate the suggestions for my new blog title--was hoping for a little more input though--and will continue to mull it over.