Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Just a Walk in the Park

Yesterday I was on my was to the park with the boys and I had to swing by work for a second. Luke's mom had Rebeckah there with her and also a boy named Connor who has gone camping with Patrick before. They were just sitting in the conference room watching movies so I offered to take them along to the park with us. It was fun, but HOT. The highs have been reaching 99-101 every day this week. Ben and I camped put in the shade while the big kids worked up a sweat.

Rebeckah, Patrick and Connor

Connor helping Patrick build a sandcastle for me. He is really nice to my Patrick. I always appreciate it when big kids have patience with him...he's still so little and sometimes can't keep up with the conversation! They are fixing the road that goes by the park, so it's also a major construction site...all Patrick wanted to talk about were the dump trucks and the excavators! It's nice for him when someone actually wants to talk back about it!!!