Sunday, November 12, 2006

Ben's Birthday Party

We had Ben's 1st birthday party tonight and I can safely say it was not a disaster. I tried to keep it low-key and I think that helped a lot, but I am still too tired for witty play-by-plays, so I'll let the pictures do the talking. Here we have Ben opening presents...
...and of course, the big cake moment (well, cupcakes). Ben looked genuinely confused as everyone sang to him. The look on his face was priceless. Patrick did the candle honors again...

...and then Ben polished off that cupcake in no time!

After we ate the kids went outside and toasted marshmallows in our chiminea. I got this for Luke over three years ago as an anniversary gift, and this is the first time he's used it. Before this it was primarily a way to catch rainwater. I think he was sorry that he waited so long, though, because he was really enjoying it tonight. He was so proud of his HOT fire that he made me take a picture and promise to put it on the blog. Well, it did keep us toasty warm, so we all enjoyed it.

Anyway, as of 1:45 tonight Ben will be a year old (thank God!), so look for a very special birthday post tomorrow! A year ago at this moment, my stomach was really hurting!!!! :)