Thursday, November 16, 2006

Patrick's Thanksgiving Program

Today was Patrick's Thanksgiving program at school and he all of a sudden decided to get stage fright. He cried all through the two-year-olds' performance and the only way his teacher could get him on stage was to promise to let him hold one of the flags while everyone pledged their allegiance. Here he is unhappily holding the flag for her.

After the pledges, he managed to forlornly stand on stage for one song about eating the turkey, then burst into tears. As everyone watched sympathetically (and we're talking about 100 parents here), his teacher asked him what was wrong and he wailed "That SCARED me!!!!" then he had to get down and watch his class do the rest. He was fine afterwards.

At the time I just thought he was being a pill, but having reflected on it, I think he may actually not like to perform for large groups of strangers (imagine that!). I think for the Christmas program I will plan to have him sit on my lap and we will watch together.