Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Trick-or-treating and the 24-hour bug

As luck would have it, I came down with a mild stomach bug yesterday morning. I get these things about twice a year, and yet they always take me by surprise. You may remember the last time I had one. This time wasn't so bad. Anyway, thank God my kids nap well, because I brought them home from school, threw them into bed and fell into my own bed with a bottle of 800 mg ibuprofen. I really wanted to feel better so I could take Patrick trick-or-treating since this is the first year he really "gets" it. Miracle of all miracles, I actually did rally and was able to go with the boys. But I must have really pushed myself because as soon as I got home I relapsed and fell back into bed. It was worth it though...we had a great time.

We went to my boss' neighborhood to go with her crowd since for some reason our neighborhood doesn't do T-or-T. Patrick loved it, although he kept saying "that's enough" because he wanted to go back to her house and eat the candy! The two greatest moments were when we went to Stephanie's (my boss) mom's house (whom Patrick knows) and when no one was looking, he started grabbing as much candy as he could and stuffing it into his bag. I cannot imagine where he gets these tendencies...anyway, the other great one was towards the end, when he got he hang of it all, so I started letting him walk across those big yards and go to the door by himself. Most of the time, kids were already at the door and the resident was still standing there. However, at one house, the lady had gone back inside and so I yelled for him to ring the doorbell. But he must not have heard me, because he just stood at the door yelling "TICK OR TREAT!" until she finally heard him and came out. I just about wet my pants.