Tuesday, November 21, 2006

She's baaaaack...

...and LAWS-A-MASSEY she's lookin' like a real sassy Aunt Jamima in her pink headwrap! Just kidding, she is a woeful sight, although she seemed in good spirits when I went to pick her up this morning. The wrap is to keep the wounded ear pressed flat against her head so it won't fill back up with fluid, although she keeps shaking it, so the ear did flip out of the bandages at one point. That was fun. Patrick took one glance and started screaming. I'll spare you the sight of it.

Poor baby, it must be so scary spending the night in a cold kennel when you're used to disobeying Mommy and stretching out on the couch...not to mention the wierd dog in the cage next to her that had apparently bathed in urine--he probably tried to deal her some sketchy rawhide last night. I know she is glad to be home. After she and Wilson greeted each other with some sniffs in the nether-regions, she slid under the bed to stay out of harm's way and catch up on much-needed sleep.