Sunday, November 19, 2006


I took this picture hoping it will not be the last pretty picture I get of Savannah. Yesterday I took her to the vet, mostly because it was time for her annual check-up, but also because she has been in pretty bad shape recently. First of all, she is losing A LOT of weight--wierd since she was overweight at one point in her life--and you can count all of her ribs and vertabrae and see the bones in her haunches and shoulders and even the top of her head. She's like the canine Nicole Richie. Anyway, I attribute this to the fact that she spends her days neurotically running around the yard chasing non-exisitent things and is probably burning waaaayyyyyy more calories than she is ingesting. The vet seemed to agree with me, since he couldn't find anything wrong with her externally, but we're waiting to get bloodwork results back just to make sure. Meanwhile, she's now on a high-fat high-protein diet, while poor lazy Wilson has to eat small portions of fat-dog food (even though he's not, but he will get that way if we don't watch him).

The other thing that wrong with her is that she's developed a hematoma in her ear, which requires major surgery to be removed. The reason I know this is because she had one three years ago and we had to go through this whole charade at that point too. I am really worried because when she came out of that surgery, she looked like she had a wet oil rag attached to the side of her head instead of her pretty velvety ear. It did heal correctly, thankfully, but the vet told me that there was a chance it wouldn't, so now we're going to have to hold our breath and see again. She's going in tomorrow and has to spend the night. I'll put a picture up of her afterwards so you can feel good and sorry for can go ahead and feel sorry for me now because this bill ain't gonna be cheap!

Sorry for the downer post, but I am down about the whole thing and I had to vent and draw sympathy. Tomorrow we will be back to our regularly scheduled post demonstrating the torture my children put me through every day.