Saturday, November 11, 2006

Fun at the Festival

Today my parents came up and took the kids to our Annual School Bazaar. This has become a tradition over the past three years. While I work at it, my parents get to spend an enjoyable time with the kids. They had a great time. Patrick spent lots of time jumping on the inflatables and both boys won a cake at the cake walk!

Luke's mom and grandma were also there. Here's Ben enjoying a chocolate covered pretzel stick with his Ma and hitching a ride on Great-Grandma's walker!

Later when we got home, we celebrated Ben's birthday with my parents since they aren't going to be here for his party tomorrow. My dad's birthday was a couple weeks ago, so it was a double party. And since we had two cakes to choose from, I didn't even have to bake! Sweet! Ben was clueless to the whole birthday thing. Patrick did the candle honors for him and he barely even noticed his presents. Oh year will surely be different! By the way, I know that Ben is only one and there are two candles on the was for Ben and the other for my dad.